2015 Update: Antler Point Restriction Lifted In Certain MO Counties

We are on record as being critical of Antler Point Restrictions in Missouri since their inception by the Department of Conservation. A primary point of opposition to APR was that the protection of young (read ‘six point and under’) bucks would result in an increased chance of disease proliferation- by the most active segment of the species. As the old ad copy suggests…

It appears that someone at MDC reached a similar conclusion. It’s just a damn shame that it took an outbreak of disease to get them there. This was a predictable result but apparently, the pipe dream of MO attracting big money from trophy hunters was more important.


Since CWD was first found in Missouri in 2010, the Department has intensified efforts to work with hunters, landowners, taxidermists, and meat processors to test free-ranging deer around the state for CWD, especially in the area of north-central Missouri where CWD has been found. This area includes CWD Management Zones consisting of these counties: Adair, Boone, Callaway, Chariton, Cole, Cooper, Knox, Linn, Macon, Miller, Moniteau, Morgan, Osage, Putnam, Randolph, Schuyler, Scotland, Shelby, and Sullivan.

MDC has also been working with area landowners and hunters to limit the spread of CWD. Efforts include reducing deer numbers in and discouraging movement of harvested deer carcasses from the area where CWD has been found.

MDC is working with hunters to limit the threat CWD from other states by restricting transportation of harvested deer carcasses into Missouri.

MDC has also been working with the public to limit the spread of CWD to other deer by restricting feeding of deer and eliminating the antler-point restriction in Missouri’s CWD Management Zones.



  1. Kyle

    November 26, 2015

    Also, APR had nothing to do with outbreak of CWD in Missouri. The disease entered wild populations from a high fenced ranch.

    • Sarge author

      November 26, 2015

      I have not, intentionally at least, inferred that APR caused the outbreak of CWD in MO’s deer herd. I do believe it exacerbated the situation for reasons I have stated; and that MDC does as well, because they abated APR in areas heavily-affected by the disease..

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